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DREAMY, 2005-2009

From Adina's description of the performance:

"In Dreamy the audience interacts physically in an evolving situation during which it slowly lays down beside me, on the floor, and thus we become partners in one situation.

Technically and by association the production of voice from a lying down position fascinates me; From this position, I can facilitate the production of voice sounds and movement that are suggestive of giving birth and/or lament.

As we lay on the floor the voice bounces back from floor and walls; I had performed Dreamy during the Lebanese War at a Gallery in Tel Aviv but this had not been less meaningful when performed abroad.

The voice work is a development of two melodic songs:
1. “Theres a Place for Us” - from the Musical “West Side Story”.
2. "Aninoo Malkainoo” - the Jewish prayer."

Emotions can be a material, it is my material. What do people usually do with emotions?

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